Luke and Carl
Talk To Me
Sure, the big screen is great. But you'll never get to know a movie character as well as someone whose story you watch for seven seasons.
Does Andor Beat The Mandalorian?
Farewell, Camp Cretaceous
Sweet And Sauron
She Hulk Is A Smash
A Marvelous New Heroine
The Prequels Are Back!
Two and a Half-Man
The Garbage You Never Knew Existed
Jack Bauer Literally Never Listens
Who Wouldn't Want To Live Here?
These Kids Really Should've Died By Now
The Book Of Barely Boba Fett
The Kid's Show Where People Get Eaten
The Return of the Lamest Avenger
Did Pixar Make The Perfect Trilogy?
Which Dracula Is THE Dracula?
What If...Everything Is Canon?
The MCU Just Burst Wide Open
Wonderful. Weird. Won't Watch Again.
I Still Don't Know Why I Watched This Through
It's Not WandaVision But It's Not Bad Either
MCU's Phase Four Is Off To A Wild Start
It's Not The Office But It Has A Better Andy
This Show Blew My Mind. Several Times.
Toby Is The Scranton Strangler
Disney Flicks That Almost Made A Franchise
His Name Is Baby Yoda
A New Era Of Star Wars
Rapunzel Walked So Elsa Could Run
I Just Don't See What The Big Deal Is Here
Not All Grinches Are Created Equal
The Disney Character Who Took On Shrek
The Politician That Makes Trump Look Humble
Disney's Most Under-Rated Threequel
The Only Disney Franchise With Knife-Knuckles
Disney's Whiniest Princess
The Character That Iron Man, Darth Vader, and Mickey Mouse Bow To
The Show That The MCU Pretends It Forgot
The World's Favourite Dog Hater
The G-Rated Movie I Was Terrified To Watch For Years
Why The Best MCU Show Got Cancelled
Mickey, Donald, And Goofy Have Nothing On This Forgotten Disney Trio