Although I grew up with virtually no exposure to the Rocky franchise, there were some things that I could not escape. I had seen parody after parody of exercise montages, never knowing what they were originally referencing. I had the vaguest idea of who Sylvester Stallone was, though the only film I’d ever seen him in was admittedly Spy Kids 3D. And of course, I knew “Eye of the Tiger”. Doesn’t everybody?
Deciding to delve into the Rocky franchise this year was sort of an arbitrary choice. It’s not a genre I have any predilection for, nor was its star a celebrity I followed at all. But once I gave it a shot, I can say with confidence that I stumbled into gold. Rocky is a fiercely lovable character – the kind that an entire generation would rally behind. He’s a classic underdog with heart, humour, and a lot of heavy hitting. There’s definitely a formula to these films that you can see coming from a mile away, but that doesn’t make the climactic finales any less thrilling.
Now, admittedly, Rocky 4 was a major disappointment, and 5 was a complete waste of time. But even so, Rocky became such an enduring figure that he inspired a sequel franchise centered around supporting character Apollo Creed’s son. Even if you think these films might not be for you, I’d strongly urge you to give the first one a shot. If you don’t like it – you definitely won’t like the rest. But if Rocky warms your heart like he did mine, you’re in for one heck of a ride.
Rocky (****)
There’s a lot that should make Rocky an unlikeable character for today’s audiences - but there’s also an undeniable charm that permeates the film from beginning to end.
Rocky II (****1/2)
I laughed, I cried, I gasped, I cheered. This is what the movies are all about.
Rocky III (***1/2)
Narratively, there’s not much of note going on here. But Carl Weathers, Mr. T, and the best performance yet from Talia Shire make this a ton of fun for a third outing.
Rocky IV (*1/2)
You either lost me at Paulie’s robot wife or at the EIGHTH montage.
Rocky V (**)
I just never felt once like this was a story that needed to be told.
Rocky Balboa (****)
Rocky is back! The final Rocky film brings dignity back to the franchise by reminding us all what made the character so likable in the first place - heart.