In December 2019, I made a vow to watch through the entire Disney Animated Studios Library.
I'll say that again.
The entire Disney Animated Studios library.
Every animated movie, spin-off, and television show produced by Walt Disney Animation from Snow White (1937) to Frozen II (2019). That's 55 original theatrical films, 33 direct-to-video sequels, and 13 television shows.
That's over 140 hours of content, or almost 6 straight days of watching.
My rules were fairly simple: watch every original movie in chronological order, only stopping to watch any follow-up sequels or spin-off sequels that followed an original movie. For any television shows, I'd only watch the first five episodes (otherwise I'd probably get stuck there forever).
Well, it's June now, and I'm still not finished. Even so, I figured it was time to start sharing the progress I'd made and letting you know the good, the bad, and the ugly of this journey. Some of these films are certifiable classics that everyone should watch. Others are so horrendous they feel like getting slapped in the face.
I watched movies on the couch, in bed, on my lunch break at work, while washing dishes, while cooking dinner, while folding laundry, while shaving...although that didn't work out so well so I stopped doing that pretty quickly. I knew it would take a while, but the fact that I'm still not finished over half a year later is kind of insane.
Over the next few weeks you'll get to see my review for every single film. You might agree with my decisions, or you might violently disagree. If it's the latter, let me know - I certainly didn't spend this much time in isolation to make friends.
So here we go.