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The Snow Crown - Scene One

Writer's picture: Matthew WerenichMatthew Werenich

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Scene One

Darkness. On stage left, there is a large comfortable seat next to a fireplace. Atop the fireplace are several books. A spotlight comes up on the Narrator, who walks onstage to stage left. As the Narrator arrives at the fireplace, she grabs one of the books and sits down to read.

Narrator: (to the audience, as she opens the book) This is the story of The Snow Crown.

She begins reading from the book.

Narrator: Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a little kingdom called Yuletidia.

The screen lights up with an image of a far-off kingdom at midday. King Everett begins to walk onstage to the center. He wears a long red robe and a golden crown.

Narrator: Yuletidia was a kingdom of hardworking and joyful people. Their King, Everett, had reigned over them for many years, and was a kind and just ruler.

As the Narrator mentions Everett, more lights begin to come up onstage to reveal the interior of a castle bedroom. The castle is medieval but neat, and covered in Christmas décor. There is also an end table with a small treasure chest on top of it. Everett notices the audience and waves politely. As the Narrator continues, Everett smiles and looks around the stage, surveying the Christmas decorations that surround him.

Narrator: It was he who had first brought the spirit of Christmas to the citizens of the land, and it had quickly become the most special time of year for everyone. There was no celebration as happy or wonderful as Christmas in Yuletidia, and throughout the whole kingdom, there was no one who loved the season more than the King’s own daughter, Princess Adaline.

Adaline skips onstage happily, dressed like a princess. Everett spots her and he is very happy to see her. When they meet, they embrace, and then Everett takes a step back so Adaline can take center stage. As the next paragraph begins, Tinkler and Twinkler enter, struggling to carry a fake Christmas tree. Adaline gestures to them to show them exactly where to put it. As soon as they set it down, Twinkler holds up two different-coloured ornaments. Adaline points to one, and the reindeer nods before exiting.

Narrator: Adaline was King Everett’s only daughter, but she had enough love for the season within her to fill every heart in the kingdom with joy. Every year, Adaline would help her father with setting up the royal castle for the Grand Christmas Feast. She would hand-pick the Christmas Tree, choose every ornament that was to be placed upon it, and she always stepped into the royal kitchen a bit early to make sure that there was enough peppermint in the hot cocoa that was to be served to every citizen in attendance.

King Everett goes and picks up the treasure chest from the end table. He brings it to stage right, and then gestures for Adaline to come over as the Narrator continues.

Narrator: But beyond all her duties as the officiant of the Christmas Feast, there was one responsibility that she held as the most important of all. You see, Princess Adaline had been given a gift from her father when she was just a baby.

Adaline waits patiently while King Everett opens the chest. She is awestruck by the crown within, and when Everett nods, she reaches in and pulls the crown out for all to see.

Narrator: It was a beautiful icy-glass crown. Of course, all Princesses need crowns, but this crown was not like others you may have seen before.

Adaline moves to center stage with the crown and stands at the very edge. She looks out at the audience, and slowly begins to place the crown on her head.

Narrator: Every Christmas morning, Adaline would go to the castle balcony and look out across the entire kingdom. There, she would place the crown on top of her head, and with only a wave of her hands, the sky would open up...and it would begin to snow.

The background music stops abruptly. Tinkler pops back onstage right behind the Narrator. Adaline freezes, her hands still touching the crown on her head.

Tinkler: Oh, sweet! So she’s got ice powers basically.

Narrator: What?

Tinkler: (looking over Narrator’s shoulder at the book) Yeah, I’ve seen this before. She can, like, shoot ice out of her hands and stuff, right? Like from Fro-

Narrator: (moving the book away a bit) Yeah, no, she can’t do that.

Tinkler: You sure? I’m pretty sure she can, and she’s got like this sister and there’s a little snow guy-

Narrator: No, you’re thinking of something else.

Tinkler: What am I thinking of?

Narrator: I dunno. Look, you’re not supposed to be on right now.

Tinkler: “On”?

Narrator: (gesturing towards the audience) Yeah. On.

Tinkler pauses, momentarily confused. She then recognizes what the Narrator is getting at.

Tinkler: OHHHHH – on. I gotcha. Cause of the (gesturing outwards) thing.

Narrator: Yeah. Can you get going?

Tinkler: Yup – got it. Sorry. (Exits)

The music resumes as the Narrator returns to the book. The kingdom on the screen shifts from midday to evening. As she continues reading, Adaline removes the crown from her head and yawns. She gives the crown to her father while she climbs into bed. Everett places the crown in its chest and puts the chest on a table next to the bed. He then sits on the edge of the bed.

Narrator: (Going back to the book) Adaline loved being the one who would make it snow every Christmas morning across the kingdom. Their kingdom was in a land that was very warm most of the year, and they hardly ever saw snow...unless it came from the Snow Crown. And ever since King Everett had given the Crown to Adaline, it had become a holiday tradition to flood the sky with beautiful white snowflakes on that special day every year.

But Yuletidia was not the only kingdom in the land. Some nights as King Everett tucked his daughter in for the evening, she would ask him about it.

The words “Three Nights Until Christmas” appear over the kingdom on the screen, and then fade away. The music shifts from hopeful to slightly foreboding.

Adaline: Why does no one travel through the Chestnut Forest, Dad?

Everett: That forest is dangerous, little one. On the other side of the forest lies the kingdom of Humbug-ria.

Adaline: Humbug-ria?

Narrator: Humbug-ria was a name that you never said out loud in the kingdom of Yuletidia. It was something the townspeople only whispered – as though it was forbidden to mention.

Everett: It used to be a part of Yuletidia, long ago. (coughs) That was back when your brother still lived in the castle.

Adaline: I had a brother?

Everett: Oh, yes. I think of him everyday. I miss him very much.

Adaline: What happened?

Tinkler: (Popping up behind the Narrator, whispering) I know what happened.

Narrator: Sssh.

Tinkler stays crouched next to the Narrator, observing the unfolding story.

Everett: One day, after I’m gone, your brother would have been King. But he didn’t want to wait. (coughs again)

Adaline: Are you alright, Father?

Everett: I’m just a bit under the weather, I’m afraid. Where was I?

Adaline: My brother.

Everett: Oh yes. You see, he wanted to be King right away, so he took over all of the lands west of Chestnut Forest.

Adaline: What about everyone who lives there?

Everett: Some people thought he should be King, but not everyone. They started calling him Ironheart because of his hatred for Yuletidia. I promise you, there are still good people living in Humbug-ria.

Adaline: How can they be good? You should take back the kingdom and put them all in jail.

Everett: I wish it were that simple, child. Now go to sleep. There’s much to do tomorrow, and Christmas is only three days away.

Adaline: Okay. Goodnight, Dad.

Everett: Goodnight, Adaline.

Everett leaves the room and exits. The music gradually fades out, and the lights darken without going out.

Narrator: As Adaline went to sleep that evening, she thought excitedly of all the things that still had to be done. There were lights to hang, trees to trim, gifts to wrap...

Tinkler: Reindeer to feed...

Narrator: I thought I told you to scram.

Tinkler: Okay, okay, I’ll be quiet.

Narrator: (returning to the book) But Adaline had no idea what the next few days really had in store for her. Because in fact, at that very moment, someone was sneaking into the castle with an evil plan that would change Christmas in Yuletidia forever.

Tinkler: Someone’s sneaking into the castle?! Right now? (leaping to their feet) I gotta call the guards! Sound the alarm! (she exits)


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