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Crafted - Scene One

Writer's picture: Matthew WerenichMatthew Werenich

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

For a PDF version of this scene, click here.

Scene One

There are four chairs on stage right set up like the front and back seats of a car, diagonally facing center stage. Mom and Dad are in the front seats with Dad driving, and Jesse and Chris are in the back seats playing on their phones. At center stage is a prop doorway to a "Welcome to Crafted" sign. On stage left, Cameron is building something out of LEGO at a desk, and Drew is also at the desk folding paper airplanes.

Mom: (over her shoulder to her children) Jesse, Chris, will you put those games away? We're almost at V.B.S.

Jesse: (without looking up from his phone) What's so great about V.B.S? Why can't we stay home?

Dad: Jesse, your mother and I grew up going here. It's a really great time.

Mom: You're going to love it. The theme this year is Crafted, just like Minecraft!

Jesse: I have Minecraft at home.

Chris: Is there internet there?

Dad: Nope! No internet, Chris. No food either.

Chris and Jesse: WHAT?

Mom: He's kidding.

Dad: Trust me, kids. V.B.S is going to be really cool.

Mom: You'll learn so much about God and it'll be a great time making new friends.

Chris and Jesse: We already have friends.

Mom and Dad sigh frustratedly. Suddenly, Dad 'slams' on the brakes. Everyone lurches forward.

Dad: We're here!

Everyone gets out of the car and starts walking towards the doorway. Once they've entered through it, they face the audience. Stage hands remove the car chairs.

Dad: Wow. This looks great! (Chris and Jesse are walking behind their parents, still on their phones. Dad takes a deep breath) Woah, you guys have air conditioning? This is way better than when I used to come.

Mom: Okay kids, have a great time! We'll see you soon! (Chris and Jesse do not reply, eyes still fixed to their phones.)

Dad: Oh, right. Almost forgot. (Dad snatches the phones from Chris and Jesse, who exclaim and protest.) No phones this week. It builds character.

Chris: Come on!

Jesse: How are we supposed to have fun?

Dad: You'll figure it out. Bye!

Mom: Bye now!

Both parents laugh as they exit stage right. Chris and Jesse watch them leave, despair on their faces. They slowly turn around to look at the set for the first time, and spot Cameron and Drew. Chris approaches Cameron.

Chris: Hi. Can I play with -

Cameron: (interrupting) Nope. Practicing for the big competition.

Jesse: What competition?

Drew: (looking up from his paper airplane) There's going to be construction-themed challenges all week. The winner gets the grand prize.

Jamie enters from stage left, behind the children.

Jesse: I didn't hear about that.

Jamie: Hiya kids! (Chris and Jesse scream, but Jamie seems unfazed. He goes through his entire line despite Chris and Jesse's confused looks as though he has rehearsed it many times) I'm Coach Jamie, and welcome to Crafted! We're going to have a blast this week building each other up. We've assembled a whole bunch of cool challenges for you kids to complete. You'll have to construct yourselves a firm foundation if you want to pass the tests and win the grand prize, which will be announced on the final day! Get ready to show us your creative side, and we'll see what you put together.

Chris and Jesse say nothing, but continue to stare, wide-eyed. Cameron and Drew have been working the whole time. Jamie notes the awkwardness of the situation.

Jamie: Okay, uh... (pauses, and then leaves)

Chris: This is going to be the worst week ever.

All exit.

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