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Dinosaur Death Battle

Writer's picture: Matthew WerenichMatthew Werenich

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

It was a massive, open valley, blanketed in lush green grass. The skies were clear and bright blue, the sun draping the scene in glorious sunlight.

On either side of the valley were two groups. Both were a mix of dinosaurs, all carnivores. There were Velociraptors, Allosaurs,

Spinosauruses, and of course, Tyrannosauruses. There were at least a hundred on each side. Pterodactyls soared in circles overhead, eager for the bloodbath that was about to begin.

One Tyrannosaur stepped forward from the left side to the front of his battalion, and stomped his foot into the ground with an ear-shattering roar. His group roared after him, creating a sound so deafening and powerful that even the pterodactyls flew higher in fear. The opposing side let out a battle cry in return, easily matching the volume of the first group. For a few painfully long moments, both sides engaged in a battle of sound, roaring out their superiority. And then, one of the leading T-Rexes began its charge, and it was on.

Both sides charged towards the middle, the ground trembling with their footsteps. Stray rocks, once calm and settled on the grass, were now thrown into the air as if feathers in the wind. The thunderous sound of their charge was overwhelming. The two sides connected with a vicious crash, claw and tooth and flesh smashing into each other with unparalleled momentum. Dinosaurs head butted each other to the ground and immediately feasted on their prey. Powerful, bone-crushing tails swung wildly, knocking poor unfortunate dinos onto their backs. The massive jaws of the larger dinosaurs clenched tightly around the throats of their opponents, twisting violently to snap necks into bits. The velociraptors moved with unprecedented speed, leaping high into the air and sinking their grisly long claws into the sides of their foes. In a matter of moments the entire valley was overcome with the chaos of full-fledged warfare.

The fighting continued on for several minutes as the more organized side began to surround the other group. Countless dead dinosaurs lay on the ground, and many others were struggling to get back on their feet. The velociraptors proved viciously intelligent, working together to overcome even the largest of foes. It seemed that the left side was going to win this war.

All of a sudden, an earth shattering roar was heard just over the hill. All the dinosaurs stopped fighting instantly, turning about to see what had made the noise. Over the hill came one Tyrannosaurus, two enormous belts of ammo strapped across its chest and two machine guns in each of its arms. It roared ferociously, and then the rest of its army came over the hill. At least fifty monstrous, carnivorous, bloodthirsty dinosaurs emerged, all wielding futuristic weaponry. The Spinosaurs in particular had heavy duty rocket launchers attached to their backs. Too far away to shoot with accuracy, the newfound army charged.

Realizing that their battle was now pointless in the face of this new enemy, the weaponless dinosaurs rallied together and charged forward, uttering a viciously furious roar. Fresh blood still dripping from their teeth and claws, they prepared to take on these new intruders.

Gunfire rained down on the defending dinosaurs, mercilessly crippling monster after monster. Rockets flew into the air, spiraling wildly and crashing down into helpless beasts. Blood soaked the once peaceful valley. But still the unarmed dinosaurs pressed on, charging with single-minded determination to defeat these advanced creatures. Refusing to retreat, the rapidly dwindling number of defending dinos continued to press on, bellowing a defiant roar. The attacking dinosaurs mowed down dozens of helpless behemoths, but could not slow the inevitable advance of the horde. The two sides met, melee combat resuming again. Machine guns were knocked away from their owners and snapped like twigs. Rocket launchers were simply bit in two. It was a bafflingly bloody battle, even more gruesome than the first. While several of the advanced dinos were able to remain in a defensive circle, most of them were simply overwhelmed by the number of weaponless leviathans.

It was anyone’s battle at that point, and a winner would have soon been determined had a new roar not broken through the sounds of battle. Hopelessly confused, the two sides looked to the skies in search of this sound. Up in the air, high above the pterodactyls, were a diving squadron of dragons, scales glimmering in all array of colour. These beasts were biologically superior in every sense, but that was not all that the newcomers boasted. As they dove closer and closer to the battle below, they unsheathed massive red lightsabres from their belts and ignited them. Slicing stray pterodactyls in their path, they continued to soar straight downwards with terrifying speed. Some of them even possessed magical abilities and immediately set themselves aflame. The dinosaurs below had no idea how to combat this new enemy, and instantaneously it became every dinosaur for itself as they scattered in all directions. The dragons pulled up at the last second, soaring low over the ground and picking off the dinosaurs who were too slow. Fire shot from their throats, igniting the sorry suckers in moments. Lightsabres carved their way through countless beasts, and the new dinosaurs had no defense. Those with guns couldn’t pierce the powerful scales that covered each dragon.

It was an impossible battle, and yet there it was, happening right in front of Matthew. He could hardly believe his eyes. In that moment he was grateful of two things. Firstly was the fact that throughout the entire battle the dinosaurs had paid no attention to him, and secondly was the fact that he had his a pen and paper with him.

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