Matthew Werenich

Oct 16, 20162 min

I Am Joseph - Scene One

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

For a PDF file of Scene One, click here.

Scene One

Joseph emerges on stage right, wearing modern casual attire and a wedding ring. The stage is set up like a living room, with a couch next to a floor lamp on stage left. As Joseph enters, he suddenly spots the audience and lights up with excitement.

Joseph: (addressing audience) Hey! Good to see you! How've you been? It's a great time of year to get the family together, isn't it? The weather outside may be a bit on the, uh, frightful side, but the food at these parties is usually pretty good - and that's gotta count for something.

Joseph begins spotting specific members of the audience and pointing them out.

Joseph: Hey! Dave! Long time no see! How've you been, man? (pointing out next person) Esther! How's the husband? (pointing out next person with particular eagerness) Adam, buddy! I didn't know you'd be here!

Joseph now begins looking out at the crowd as a whole, smiling.

Joseph: I'm seeing some new faces too. That's great. Family keeps getting bigger! (realizes he hasn't introduced himself) I'm Joseph. Jacob, my dad, is the one in the front hall shaking everybody's hand on their way in. He's a really hospitable guy. Always wanted me to run an inn like he used to back in the day, but I had to go and become a carpenter. He never really got over that one. Said it was the final nail in the coffin.

Joseph laughs at his own joke briefly, but is disappointed at the response from the crowd.

Joseph: the coff - (quickly changes subject) - carpentry - anyway, yeah, I know, it has been a while since I've shown up to one of these things, hasn't it? The last couple years have been crazy. Like, what is going on? We've got Rome taking over the whole country, and that ridiculous census thing we all got put through not that long ago...kind of makes me wish they'd elected Cleopatra instead of Tiberius, you know? Anyway, to top it all off, Mary and I have been busy beyond belief with the new baby.

Joseph lights up at the thought of his son and quickly reaches into his wallet. Inside his wallet is a photo of the Nativity.

Joseph: Hey, wanna see a picture? This is us where he was born. Yeah, he's cute, isn't he?

Joseph 'listens' to the audience.

Joseph: Oh, the cow? And the, the donkey?(Shuts the wallet quickly and puts it back in his pocket) Yeah, look, it's a long story. Actually, that's why I'm here today. I had the craziest dream the other night, and - well, I guess I'd better start at the beginning. You've got time, right? Great.

Joseph walks to the couch and takes a seat, getting sufficiently comfortable and stretching once before addressing the audience again.

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